Echo Christian Fellowship is a small fellowship of people -- men, women, and children -- all learning to echo the life, death, and resurrection of Christ into a world that desperately needs to hear Him.  We are not so much about a building as a "growing"-- growing in our knowledge and experience of God in His Word, and also in relationship with Him and His people. 

We believe in the power of His Word to transform the lives of those who would seek Him diligently.  As we consume His Word, we learn to lay down the pattern of the old life, allowing His Spirit to circumcise our hearts so that we are able to obey Him fully.  What commandment are we seeking to obey?  "Love God -- and each other--ridiculously!" 


 Ridiculously?  Certainly, if we are to love truly, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, it will manifest in what looks like foolishness to the world, but is a sweet aroma to our beloved Lord.
Want to know more about how (and whether) we really are learning to echo Christ's life? 

"Come, and you will see."

Share a communion meal with us once a month. Experience the reality of the Word as it's being given, through song, remembrance, and preaching. Offer a testimony or request prayer in the presence of your fellow pilgrims. After service, sit and talk with someone in the sanctuary, in the hallway, on the front steps.

At first, you may notice that our building needs some work, or that some of us don't look like or sound like "church people." Before long, though, you may notice something else. You may notice that you've been among those who love the Word, and who really are learning to love God and to love each other.

Thanks be to God.